Monday, May 13, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

See you tomorrow from 8-10AM in regular classroom. You may begin a test up until 9:30 AM.

Friday, May 10, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned. Please review previous posts to be sure you know your testing opportunities for next week.

Today at 11:59 PM is the deadline for completing course evaluations.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

See very important announcements below.

This is the final tally for attendance and peer tutoring credit.
Tests taken today have been returned.  We will meet on Friday. 

Here is some important information.

1. You have received a course evaluation form for this class. I would very much appreciate it if you would take the time to do it. It must be completed by Friday.

2. I have given Kris permission to conduct tutoring during finals week. This is strictly at her discretion and implies no guarantee of her availability.

3. As noted in a previous post, there will be three opportunities to take tests next week. They are:
Monday: 9:30-10:30 Mendocino 3000 (Philosophy conference room)
Tuesday: 8:00-10:00 Mendocino 3009 (regular classroom)
Wednesday: 9:30-10:30 Mendocino 3000 (Philosophy conference room)
4. For the final test you take, I will be grading with reduced requirements for passing. You will pass if, in my judgment, your tests reflects a C+ or higher level of mastery. For most of you this would amount to doing both proofs with very minor mistakes, or one proof perfectly and the other with a clear understanding of how to proceed but imperfect execution.

This test must be taken on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. You must designate it as your last test in order to receive this consideration. You may not take any further tests after you have passed a test in this way.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

You should have received an e-mail from me explaining that my office hours tomorrow are changed to 9-9:55 AM.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

No class on Friday.

See previous post for finals week testing schedule.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The testing schedule for finals week is:

Monday:  9:30-10:30   Mendocino 3000 (Philosophy conference room)
Tuesday:  8:00-10:00   Mendocino 3009 (regular classroom)
Wednesday: 9:30-10:30  Mendocino 3000 (Philosophy conference room)

All times are morning. You may only take one test per session and must start no later than 20 minutes before the end of the period.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Tests taken today have been returned.
Class is on for today. See you at 10. I'm getting a little bit of a late start, so if I am late, just hang in there.

Friday, April 26, 2019

All tests taken today and yesterday (with Kris) have been returned.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

Starting tomorrow, you may take up to Module 8 with Kris during tutoring hours. Starting next week, you may take any test you are qualified to take with Kris during tutoring hours.

Attendance and tutoring credits will be updated by the end of today.

We will meet on Friday. The future is yours.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

We will not meet Friday, but we will meet the following Friday.

Monday, April 15, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

There are roughly 10 guaranteed test taking opportunities left in the semester. This includes the Fridays of April 26th and May 10th as well as the scheduled final exam period for this class, which is Tuesday, May 14th at 10:00 AM.

I will also be scheduling extra test dates during final week for Monday and Wednesday. Hopefully everyone will be in a position to take advantage of at least one of them.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Tests taken today have been returned.

The attendance and peer tutoring tally has been updated on the schedule page.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

See previous post for information about class on Friday.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Circumstances have changed with respect to Friday.  The class will meet from 10-10:35am. You may come and begin a test by 10:15.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Tests taken today have been returned!

The cut-off date for Module 5 is on Wednesday. You may take up to Module 5 with Kris starting Thursday.

There is no class on Friday.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Tests taken today have been returned.

The cut-off date for Module 5 is next Wednesday.

There will be no class next Friday.

There are only 5 weeks left in the semester!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

I forgot to post yesterday when I finished grading tests, which was the usual time.

We meet tomorrow.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

Today was the cut-off date for Module 4.  If you come on Friday you can take 4 without passing a competency test, but Monday you will need to.

Also, campus is closed on Monday for Cesar Chavez  Day. To make up for the missed testing opportunity, we will meet on next Friday as well.

Monday, March 25, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

Welcome back. Hope you are all feeling relaxed and ready to finish strong.

We will meet this Friday for an extra test taking opportunity.

Don't forget that you can take up to Module 3 with Kris during tutoring hours.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

No class on Friday.  Have a productive spring break! I strongly encourage (almost) everyone to come to class on Monday 3/25 ready to take a test.

Monday, March 11, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

Wednesday is the cut-off date for Module 3, meaning that it is the lat day to take it without passing a competency test.

You must be at Module 4 or higher to tutor on Wednesday.

Wednesday is the last day we meet before Spring Break.

For those of you who are behind the cut-off date, please take advantage of the opportunity to test with Kris outside of class.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

No class this Friday or next Friday.

If you are behind the cut-off date be sure to take advantage of your opportunity to learn and test with Kris on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. As I mentioned in class, the only drawback to this is that your tests will not be returned as quickly.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Test taken today have been returned.

If you are working on Module 1 or 2, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to test during tutoring hours. Go to the tutoring link and sign up.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Tests taken today have been returned.

Have a productive weekend!

Remember, there will be no class next Friday or the following Friday, so be sure to get your licks in on Monday and Wednesday of both weeks.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

We will meet this Friday (no attendance or peer tutoring credit.)

We will not meet next Friday or the following Friday.

Today sometime I will be posting a sheet indicating your current level of attendance and peer tutoring credits. There will be a link to this sheet immediately below the progress tracker on the schedule page.

Remember that in this class the level of attendance and peer tutoring required is indexed to your final grade. It would be smart to revisit the syllabus to make sure you are keeping up.

Monday, February 25, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

The cut-off date for Module 2 is Thursday. This means that after Thursday, you will need to pass a competency test to take the Module 2 test.


T = We meet this Friday. 
N = We meet next Friday.

((T v N) & ~(T & N))

I'll let you know on Wednesday.

Friday, February 22, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

Wednesday is the cut-off date for Module 2.

Have a productive weekend!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Monday, February 18, 2019

Test taken today have been returned.

Stuff to remember:

  1. We will have class on Friday. Fridays you do not get attendance credit or peer tutoring credit.
  2. If you get certified to take a test past the cutoff date and do not pass the test, you must re-certify.
  3. If you are tutoring, please make sure you look at the tutoring advice at the bottom of the schedule page.
  4. Keep pushing yourselves. Resist the attempt to relax after passing a test, especially if you are hanging around the cut-off dates. Remember that these dates inform you that are progressing at a failing rate. 
  5. The cut-off for the Module 2 test is 2/27.
  6. Please use the tutoring link to get in touch with Kris for extra tutoring and extra test-taking opportunities.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

All test taken today have been returned.

There is no class this Friday, but we will meet next Friday, February 22nd.  Remember that on Fridays I do not take attendance and there is no opportunity to get credit for peer tutoring.

We are now past the cut-off date for Module 1. Anyone who has not passed the Module 1 test must now be approved by a peer tutor or by me. To gain approval you must prove to your tutor that you understand the mistakes you made on your last test, as well as work selected problems on the competency sheet.

Also, if you are behind the cut-off date, you may arrange to take the test with Kris McCandless during tutoring hours.

Note to peer tutors: As you will now often be responsible for approving students behind the cut-off date to take tests, please take a moment to acquaint yourself with the peer tutoring advice on the schedule page, as well as here.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The original version of the progress tracker on the schedule page showed spring break occurring during April. This has been corrected.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

No class on Friday!

A week from today is the cut-off date for Module 1. This means that after next Thursday you will need to get approved to take the test by demonstrating to a peer tutor or to the professor that you are prepared to take the test.

Remember that if you are passing tests at or after the cut-off  you are on pace to fail the class. Please pay close attention to the progress tracker on the schedule page.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Tests taken today have been returned.

Many of you have now taken the Module 1 test without passing, some more than once. Wise students will take this as evidence that the study methods that work well enough in other classes do not work well in this one. In particular:

  • If you are not stopping and rewinding the videos constantly, then you are not engaging them. Every time you see a problem worked, stop and make sure that you can do it yourself. If you can not, rewind the video, study it again, and try it until you can.
  • Doing the homework in this class does not mean that you have attempted some of the problems with mixed results. It means you have done all of it, fully examined the solutions, determined which problems you have gotten wrong, discovered why and reworked them correctly.
  • "Slow and steady wins the race" really is the best motto for this class. Do not be in a hurry to get to a test. Immerse yourself in the material and learn it deeply. When you do this, test-taking is usually a satisfying experience and you will repeat far fewer of them.

We do not meet this Friday!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

This week and next week I have several meetings that will conflict with my normal office hours. This week my office hours will be.

  • M: 2:30-4 PM
  • W: 1-2:30

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I will post next week's office hours next weekend.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

All tests taken on Friday were returned Friday afternoon, with the exception of those who had not yet signed up for a Google Folder. In order to sign up for one, you must send me an email which includes your name and @gmail account. This is the only way in which tests are returned.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

I just put up a new and hopefully clearer version of the 2nd lecture of Module 1.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

All tests taken today have been returned.

We will meet this Friday, but no attendance will be taken. Come if you want to take a test or you need some help.

Next week we will start with peer tutoring. Here is some information about that:

  • To be a peer tutor on any given date, you must have passed the corresponding module test indicated in the progress tracker.  
  • To be a peer tutor you must make yourself available for the first 30 minutes of class. This means that if you want to take a test on that day as well, you will need to do so during the last 20 minutes of the period rather than the regular 30. 
  • Normally there will be no more than 4 or 5 peer tutors per day. People who have tutored on the preceding class meeting will be asked to let those who have not go first.

Also, tutoring outside of class with Kris McCandless starts next week. This occurs on Tuesdays and Thursdays and is entirely optional. You will not be able to take a module test with Kris unless you are behind the cut-off date for that module.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Tests taken today have been returned.

The Google Folder sign-up sheet has been replaced by a Tutoring sign-up sheet. Tutoring is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Kris McCandless on the dates indicated. Be sure you sign-up, and if you sign-up make sure you show up. Tutoring sessions will not occur when nobody has signed up for them, and you will no longer be permitted to sign-up if you miss a tutoring session that you have signed up for.

Remember that the only way you receive tests back in this class is online in your Google Folder. If you have not yet signed up for one, you may do so by sending me an email at In the subject heading write PHIL 60 Folder sign-up. In the body of the paper write your full name and your gmail (even if it is the same address that you are sending from.) Remember, this must be an @gmail account or one you have registered with Google or it will not work.

Reminders: We will meet Wednesday and Friday of this week.  We will not normally meet on Fridays, but we will for a few in order to provide some extra testing opportunities. You get neither attendance credit for attending on Fridays nor do you get Peer tutoring credit.

Practice:  Symbolize the paragraph directly above.


W = We meet this Wednesday.
F = We meet this Friday
N = We normally meet on Friday
R = We meet on some Fridays
T= You get testing opportunities.
A= You get attendance credit for Friday.
P = You get peer tutoring credit for Friday.
# = an operator you need that is not defined in propositional logic.

Questions: What does # mean?  Is # truth functional?

Saturday, January 26, 2019

As of this morning, all students who have signed up for a Google Folder have been issued one. If you have not done so, please do it now! You will be able to access it through a link you receive in an email at your gmail account. After, that, however, it is best to access your folder by going directly to your Google Drive, which you can get at by clicking on the square matrix at the top right of of the gmail page. If you do not see the folder immediately, click on the Shared With Me link.

As noted in class, I will continue to lecture for the first part of the period on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Do not in any way treat these as substitutes for the online lectures. Lecturing stops completely the following week and we will meet only on occasional Fridays.

Further matters: Next week I begin taking attendance. I will never take attendance on a Friday and you will never get attendance credit for coming on a Friday. On Monday, anyone who is prepared to do so may take the Module 1 test. Remember that to take this test you must have passed the corresponding online quiz. You will sign an affidavit to this effect each time you take a Module test. Be sure that you have signed up for your folder before taking a test.  It is the only way to receive your test results.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Tomorrow we will be working on translating English sentences into propositional logic using the five common logical operators.

Please be sure to sign up for your Google folder if you have not already done so.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Welcome to Day 1 of the semester.

Please go to this link and do as instructed.

See you in class!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Hi, and welcome to the course!

This is the page where you will come to learn what's going on in class.

This is an unusual class and you should be sure you are prepared to thrive in it. Please read the following carefully.

First, this class is 'flipped', which means that all of the lecturing occurs online, and the class meeting itself is entirely devoted to doing work.  It is absolutely essential that you engage the online materials before coming to class with questions.  Otherwise you will be totally lost. If you are the sort of person who is unable or unwilling to learn by engaging online videos, this is definitely not the class for you.

Let me put this a different way, just to err on the side of clarity. If your idea of a class is one in which you come having done little or nothing and park your butt in a seat and listen to your teacher drone on about stuff you couldn't care less about, this is not one of those classes. The only way you learn anything in class is by coming and working. I absolutely love helping students to learn the material, but I have to see evidence of struggle. The minimum level of evidence for this is that you come to class with questions about the lecture and reading.

Second, this class is (conditionally) self-paced. This means that you must be self-motivated or you will not succeed. The course requires you to pass each test at a certain level before you are allowed to proceed to the next one.

If this sounds good to you, then welcome (again) to the class. It's a fair amount of work, but I think you will enjoy it and in the end you will know you have really learned something. Read the syllabus before class on Wednesday. Come with questions.

Note: Although this is scheduled as a MWF course, we will typically only be meeting on MW. Friday is designated for you to continue your online studies. We will meet on the first two Friday's however.